联合国儿童基金会 and WBCSD launch guidance for business leaders on how to step up efforts to eliminate child labor

新资源 raises awareness and understanding of the root causes of child labor and identifies key areas for business action.

发表: 12月10日
类型: 新闻

2021年12月10日,日内瓦: The 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD), 联合国儿童基金会 today launched a new guide for business leaders on how to take action to eliminate child labor.

新的资源, Tackling Child Labor: An Introduction for Business Leaders, builds on the latest data and insights emerging from the International Labour Organization (ILO), 联合国儿童基金会, and articulates tangible steps business leaders can take to ensure that their companies are leveraging their full potential to support the elimination of child labor in business operations and supply chains.

“Companies and their leaders have a unique and important role to play in building a better world for children. 消除童工现象需要全面的, 迅速和统一的反应, 企业站在最前线,” 联合国儿童基金会执行主任亨丽埃塔·福尔. “作为强大的变革推动者, CEOs and their corporations must focus on the prevention of child labor by guaranteeing decent work, adequate wages and family-friendly policies for workers everywhere.” 

The United Nations designated 2021 as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor with a view to encouraging legislative and practical actions to eradicate child labor worldwide. This is in line with the ambition of eliminating child labour in all its forms by 2025, as enshrined in the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs) under target 8.7. 

然而,, latest data suggests that the world is falling dramatically short when it comes to this collective commitment. 目前, 全世界有1.6亿儿童从事童工工作, with millions more at risk due to the impacts of COVID-19. 以目前的进展速度, and without urgent prevention and mitigation measures, it is estimated that 140 million children will still be in child labor by 2025.

在这样的背景下, there is an urgent need for action from all quarters of society, 包括来自私营部门. Child labor remains widespread in global supply chains and an integral part of the 流程 that bring a wide range of goods and products to market.

“Businesses have a critical role to play in positively changing the lives of children by addressing the root causes of child labor through a range of key interventions,” 彼得·巴克,总裁 & WBCSD首席执行官. “This report is designed to contribute to a rethinking of what is possible, and a reinvigorated faith in the power of collective impact.”

这份报告 focuses on three key areas in which business leaders can take meaningful action to support the elimination of child labor, 强调…的重要性:

  • 集成 robust children’s rights considerations into core business strategy, 活动, 流程, 决策和关系
  • 投资 in the company’s capacity to address and prevent child labor and in local community resilience; and,
  • 鼓舞人心的 其他人采取有意义的行动, both internally within the business and externally with partners, 供应商, 业内同行, 政府和地方当局.

前进, WBCSD and 联合国儿童基金会 look forward to continuing to work closely with the global business community and a range of other stakeholders to mobilize business action to address the root causes of child labor.

This will be also an important area of focus for the 解决不平等问题的商业委员会, a new initiative launched by WBCSD in 2021 that seeks to put tackling inequality and creating shared prosperity for all at the heart of business’s agenda for sustainable growth. 

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